Specific energy consumption models
Specific Energy Consumption Models
Specific Energy Consumption is the most common way of describing how much energy is used by grinding, and is the basis of the throughput estimations in SAGMILLING.COM. It is usually expressed as kWh/t (kilowatt-hours per tonne).
Models of this type assume a standard particle size distribution and use a single position on that particle size distribution to characterize the entire curve. The most common way to express this is the 80% passing size, which can be expressed as F80 (feed stream 80% passing size), P80 (product stream 80% passing size), or K80 (generic stream 80% passing size. Bond (1952)[1] describes the rationale for using a single 80% passing size and indicative of the whole size range.
Models are arranged into classes, depending on the theory they are implementing. The models within a class usually almost entirely the same except that each implement a particular feature or default setting.
Bond Models
These models are based on the work of Bond[1] and Rowland[2]. They pre-date the wide adoption of SAG milling and can be considered "classical" models.
Bond/Barratt Models
- Raw Bond/Barratt Model (no phantom cyclone)
- Default Bond/Barratt Model SABC (including phantom cyclone)
- Default Bond/Barratt Model SAB (including phantom cyclone)
Bond + Pilot Plant Models
- HPGR and ball mill (using Bond and an HPGR pilot plant)
SMC Model
- Model:Morrell SMC SAG SAB and SABC
SGI Model
- Model:Amelunxen SGI SAB and SABC (similar to SPI™)