Model:Bond/Barratt SAB Model

Revision as of 01:50, 6 December 2013 by Alex Doll (talk | contribs) (Model defaults)
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Bond/Barratt Specific Energy SAB Consumption Model

This is a SAG or AG mill plus ball mill model that estimates the overall circuit specific energy consumption using the classical Bond work index equation for multi-stage crushing and single-stage ball milling (Essbm) including Rowland efficiency factors. The circuit Etotal is equal to the Essbm plus an inefficiency/contingency factor (CF) related to the difference in grinding efficiency of the two types of circuits. The SAG mill specific energy consumption (ESAG) is calculated using the 1979 Barratt equation and the ball mill specific energy consumption (Ebm)

This model includes a phantom cyclone effect in the equations due to the ball mill being calculated by difference and not being calculated by the normal Bond equation. The resultant operating work index of the ball mill will vary according to the ratio of the ball mill, rod mill and crushing work index values and for an Andean copper porphyry is typically in the range of 80% of the measured ball mill work index value.

Testwork Required


 E_{ssbm} = Wi_{C} \times \left ( \tfrac {10}{\sqrt{ 9400 }} - \tfrac {10}{\sqrt{ F_{80} }} \right ) + Wi_{RM} \times \left ( \tfrac {10}{\sqrt{ 2100 }} - \tfrac {10}{\sqrt{ 9400 }} \right )\times EF_4^{RM} + Wi_{BM} \times \left ( \tfrac {10}{\sqrt{ P_{80} }} - \tfrac {10}{\sqrt{ 2100 }} \right ) \times EF_4^{BM} \times EF_5

E_{total} = E_{ssbm} \times (1+CF)

E_{SAG} = \Big[ & Wi_{C}   \times \left ( \tfrac {10}{\sqrt{ P_{C}  }} - \tfrac {10}{\sqrt{ F_{80}  }} \right ) +  Wi_{RM} \times \left ( \tfrac {10}{\sqrt{ P_{R}  }} - \tfrac {10}{\sqrt{ P_{C}  }} \right ) \times EF_4^{RM} \\
 & + Wi_{BM} \times \left ( \tfrac {10}{\sqrt{110} } - \tfrac {10}{\sqrt{ P_{R}  }} \right ) \times EF_4^{BM} \Big] \times 1.25 - Wi_{BM} \times \left ( \tfrac {10}{\sqrt{ {110} }} - \tfrac {10}{\sqrt{ T_{80} }} \right ) 

E_{bm} = E_{total} - E_{asag}


Refer to the discussions in the Bond/Barratt SABC circuit model for background on the transfer size and the use of the Rowland efficiency factors (EF4 & EF5).

Model defaults

  • Maximum T80, µm = 5000
  • Minimum T80, µm = 400
  • PC for Essbm= 9400
  • PC for Easag= 18850
  • PR= 2100
  • CF = 0.15