Admin:Enable User

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Administration: Enabling a new user

New users are automatically assigned 'pending' status. It is necessary to approve the new user and assign them a role before they may change or add data to a project.

  • Click 'Administration' button at the top of the page.
  • Click 'Users' on the right side of the page.
  • Locate the pending user and click 'Edit' for their entry.
  • The user's profile page will appear -- click the 'Approved' checkbox near the bottom of the page.
  • Select the role you want grant this user. Options are:
    • Pending: the role for a newly registered person -- has no rights to view or edit projects.
    • Guest: has no rights to view or edit projects.
    • User: allows the user to view and to edit projects where the Administrator has granted them project rights.
    • Admin: allows the user all the rights of User plus the ability to create new projects, to approve users, and to assign users to projects.

Once in the Project Settings page, click the Users tab and the green Add user to project button. Select the user from the list provided and choose the level of access to assign them ('read-write', 'read-only' or 'no access').

Users may be added to a Project even if they are not yet approved (their role is 'pending'). You will need to enable the user's ID before they can work in the project.

If you want to hide a project from a new user, follow the procedure to add the user to project and set 'no access'.