General concepts
General Concepts
Each grinding calculation consist of several components that interact with each other:
- A 'Project' that consists of a 'folder' containing several testwork entries, mill models and specific energy consumption models. The folder you choose will select the type of specific energy consumption model that the project will run.
- A 'Testwork' database containing the laboratory results and optional geological information that describes the samples taken for testing.
- The Project 'folder' contains the programming to convert testwork into 'queries'.
- A 'circuit' which acts as a container for two model components:
- A 'specific energy model' that estimates how much energy is required to grind ore from a feed size to a product size.
- One or more 'mill power draw models' that estimates how much power is evolved by a mill of a particular geometry under specified operating conditions.
Different 'circuit' configurations can be run against the 'query' result. For example, two different circuits can have different sized mills. Different variations on the 'specific energy model' can test different product sizes or types of circuit configurations.
Clients with a large amount of data covering a variety of different orebodies (head office or consultant licenses) have an extra component:
- A 'project' to which each item of 'testwork' and each 'circuit' is assigned to a particular project. This effectively partitions a much larger database into a manageable mine-specific data set.