User talk:Alex Doll
Not sure what to do with this benchmarking data yet, but I'll record it here so I can find it in the future
Ball and liner wear benchmarking
Ben Burger, Luis Vargas, Hamer Arevalo, Sergio Vicuna, Jim Seidel, Walter Valery, Alex Jankovic, Roberto Valle and Eduardo Nozawa, YANACOCHA GOLD SINGLE STAGE SAG MILL DESIGN, OPERATION, AND OPTIMIZATION, SAG 2011
Single-stage SAG mill, reported with slurry pooling
- New liner effective thickness: 7.7 inches (half-worn 5.5 inches)
- Ball charge: 19% v/v (18-20%)
- total charge: 22.5% v/v (20%-25%)
- grate open area 12%; wear rate 0.6 mm/day (rubber)
- Operating work index 23.0 - 25.2 metric
- Ball consumption: 3 kg/t (2-3.5 kg/t) or 0.16 g/kWh
- Bond predicted ball mill ball consumption: 0.13 kg/kWh; actual ~ predicted
- Bond predicted ball mill liner consumption: 9.5 g/kWh
- Shell liners life of 6 months; assume 3" thick at end of life. 5 g/kWh wear (+ 3 g/kWh scrapped)
- Grate wear: 0.06 g/kWh steel; 0.02 g/kWh rubbber
- Laboratory testwork:
- Bond abrasion index: 0.5 (0.467-0.555)
- DWi 3.45 kWh/m³
- Mia 12.3
- A: 82.8; b: 0.88; A×b: 72.9
- ta: 0.75
- density: 2.52 t/m³
Ball wear benchmarking
Larsen, C., Cooper, M., & Trusiak, A. Design and Operation of Brunswick's AG/SAG Circuit, SAG 2001
- Operating work index: 11.5 kWh/t
- SAG operating with 4% ball charge (originally was AG)
- SAG 4" ball wear rate: 0.12 kg/t
- BM 24 mm slug wear: 0.91 kg/t
The parallel RM/BM plant has same operating work index, but following wear:
- Rods 0.39 kg/t
- 38 mm balls: 0.72 kg/t
- 25 mm slugs: 0.94 kg/t
Since WiO is the same for both, the SABC ball wear is half the RM-BM combined steel wear.