Bibliography: Specific energy consumption models

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Bibliography: Specific Energy Consumption Models

Specific Energy Consumption is the most common way of describing how much energy is used by grinding, and is the basis of the throughput estimations in SAGMILLING.COM.

Models of this type assume a standard particle size distribution and use a single position on that particle size distribution to characterize the entire curve. The most common way to express this is the 80% passing size, which can be expressed as F80 (feed stream 80% passing size), P80 (product stream 80% passing size), or K80 (generic stream 80% passing size.

Bond/Barratt Model Bibliography

  • Bond, Fred C, The Third Theory, Transactions AIME, May 1952, Pages 484 - 494 [[1]]
  • Rowland, Chester A, Bond's Method for Selection of Ball Mills, Advances in Comminution, ed. S. K. Kawatra, SME 2006, Pages 385 - 397
  • Barratt, Derek J, Semi-autogenous grinding: a comparison with the conventional route, CIM Bulletin, Nov 1979, Pages 74 - 80. [[2]]
  • Barratt, Derek J, An Update on Testing, Scale-up and Sizing Equipment for Autogenous and Semi-autogenous Grinding Circuits, Proceedings of the SAG 1989 Conference, Vancouver, Canada, Pages 25 - 46,

SMC Model Bibliography

Bibliography of Other Useful Documents

  • Hukki, R. T., Proposal for a Solomonic Settlement Between the Theories of Von Rittinger, Kick and Bond, Transactions AIME, Vol 223, 1962, Pages 403 - 408 [[3]]